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António Monteiro

António Monteiro

IT Director

Viagens Abreu

Senior professional in the area of Information Technologies with a career developed in several industries with more than 20 years in the execution of great initiatives and organizational change management, responsible for implementing various digital transformation programs and projects.

Experience in IT management functions and PMO areas and in leading multidisciplinary teams and work groups, with strong experience in the definition and management of Innovation Programs in Waterfall and Agile methodologies. Strategic IT Advisor.

Lecturer of Project Manager Courses and PMI Certifications at Rumos.


Academic qualifications


  • PhD in Information Management – NOVAIMS, UNL
  • Master in Information Management with specialization in Systems Management and Information Technologies – NOVAIMS, UNL
  • Post-Graduation in Information Systems Management – ISCTE
  • Degree in Management Informatics – UAL
  • PMP certified by the Project Management Institute
  • ITIL Certified
  • CAP Certification (Trainer Pedagogical Skills)