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Cloud Migration

Improve the operational performance and agility of your business
<p>Optimize your journey to the Cloud and maximize business value</p>

Optimize your journey to the Cloud and maximize business value

Regardless of their size, most organizations are moving to the Cloud in order to obtain efficiency and productivity gains, and ultimately to benefit from the cost reduction that comes with this change. Cloud Migration can be seen as a competitive advantage since it allows a rapid adaptation to the market. Transitioning from legacy to the cloud is crucial for business continuity when considering the current market changes and technological innovation. The reality of market demand volatility turns Cloud Migration into a very appealing option because it allows quick adaptation and covers demand peaks, unlike the on-premises infrastructure.

Before committing to any Cloud solution, it is essential to understand all the implications and impact on the business Cloud Migration is a transformational change for the whole organization; therefore, the journey has to be carefully planned. 
When it comes to identifying the best modernization journey for your legacy infrastructure, it is necessary to analyze the available options and the risks, plan the migration, and execute it in a way that ensures the chosen solution is the best at meeting business requirements.

What is Cloud Migration?

Cloud migration is the process of moving digital assets, services, databases, and applications partially, or wholly, into the cloud.

The three types of Cloud Migration are: 

  • On-premises-to-cloud – migrating from on-premises environments to the cloud.
  • Cloud-to-cloud migration
  • Cloud repatriation or cloud exit – consists of reversing the cloud migration process back to on-premises.

What challenges can be faced when Migrating to the Cloud?

  • Application modernization
  • Cloud management
  • Dependencies 
  • Migration complexity 

The cloud is one of the main catalysts of Digital Transformation.

The Benefits of Cloud Migration

How we can help you in this journey:

1. Application inventory

2. Cloud strategy

3. Assessment and roadmap

4. Transformation and migration

5. Management and optimization 

Start your Cloud Migration journey with us